Sharon Cooke

Sharon provides information that assists people in understanding their stories and balancing the energies that they are working with.
Sharon facilitates skills and techniques that integrate what you now know into your physical reality.
Sharon presents you with the opportunity to remember that you have the ability to think for yourself and hear your own answers.
Begin to live your truth, authentically.
The Process
A Numerology Chart is created, derived from your name and birth date. This shows you the energies that you have chosen to work with in this life time. It illustrates your strengths and weakness’ and how to balance them. It addresses your karmic reward and your karmic debt. Karmic energy tells you the type of experiences you will attract in order to grow and evolve. Your Personal Cycle gives you information as to where to centre your focus in order to attract positive experiences.
As an intuitive, Sharon is a conduit where your information comes through her, not from her.
After all, our answers lie within us.”