We Are Love

“Tell me you love me.”Scan 35

“I love you”
“I love you back”
“I love you more”
“No, I love you more”

“Did you forget something?”
“You forgot to tell me you loved me.”

“Who do you love the most?”
“You love me the most. Right?”

“Tell Mommy you love me”
“Tell Daddy you love him”

“I’ll give you a treat, if you tell me you love me”

“No – you can’t go till you tell us you love us. Tell us you love us…”

We are Love and yet so many of us ask others to validate that we are.

We prompt, plead,coax, demand and yes bribe others to tell us we are loved.

No one can give you Love.

We are beings of energy that work on the principal of ‘like attracts like’. Not feeling loved will only attract others who feel the same lacking.

You’ll have to constantly cue each other to say the “I love you” mantra and it will never feel enough because both of you don’t believe you are.

You’ll find someone who feels unworthy and in turn treat you the same, by being abusive. When you feel unworthy of love, this message you send yourself is likewise abusive.

The truth is we are Love. But some where on our journey through Life we began to believe a lie that we are not. We then turned to others to tell us that it isn’t true.

Unfortunately this is not their job to confirm something we are innately. We are Love.

It saddens me when I hear a parent who is in need of the Love energy ask their children repeatedly throughout the day to fill them up. It is no one’s responsibility to love you. It is yours.

A child loves you already, unconditionally, because they come into the world full of love for themselves. But when you negate this by constantly illustrating that it is something someone else gives you, they cease to give it to themselves. They forget that we are Love. Eventually they reflect you and before you know it another adolescent is out in the world looking for love.

Hence the expression, “Looking for love in all the wrong places.”

Who will they find?

They will find themselves. Another being who will be reflecting back their own low self esteem and non deserving character, empty of Love.

Another generation will then pick up where the last left off, grabbing for it, clutching it tightly, hanging on for dear life. It will not work. For Love is not a possession you receive or take from another. They will be left with it slipping from their grasp as it has from those before them.

You cannot cage it, tie it up, shut it in, hold it captive. It will escape from you.

Chasing after another, you may for a time catch up, but the moment you blink, you’ll be finding yourself feeling empty again.

Love is an energy and for it to find you, there must be like energy to attract it in your direction.

This Valentines, do something for you.
Stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself the truth. Tell yourself what you have forgotten and that is this;

“I am loving and loveable”

“I am love”

“I love you”

Keep saying it, till you feel it, believe it. Keep saying it and walk away and out into your day, into you Life and keep saying it, thinking it, breathing it in.

Living true will attract more Love in your Life. You will find romance with you and your reality. You will be your happy ending.

You are Love, you always were. You are Love and it’s there inside of you waiting for you to embrace it and be it.

This Valentines give yourself the truth.
Remember who you are – Your are Love.

Scan 36


Photos by; Sharon Cooke


  1. “Thanks -A-Million” again Sharon for this lovely note. You are so Wonderful writing such meaningful notes like this.

    I could sit and read such relaxing letters like this until ” The Cows Come Home”. You certainly are very gifted. Thanks again. Happy Family Day Week-end. Cheers for now. Lucille

    • Thank you Lucille. Means a great deal that you enjoy what I am sharing.
      Enjoy it all,


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